
EMSCULPT Classic uses High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic waves to cause supramaximal contractions of the muscles. It is like doing 20,000 sit-ups in 30 minutes. EMSCULPT is FDA-approved for eliminating fat and building muscle in the belly, arms, and legs, and is the ONLY device approved for a non-surgical butt lift.


Introducing the latest body sculpting device that combines Synchronized RF (Radiofrequency) and HIFEM (High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Energy). Clinically shown to provide 30% less fat and 25% more muscle after only 3 sessions spaced 5-10 days apart.



EXILIS tightens loose skin and destroys fat using a combination of Radiofrequency and Ultrasound. EXILIS is versatile and can be used on almost any body part. This allows improvement of areas of loose skin or fat in the abdomen, back, sides, and small areas that other machines cannot treat.



EMSCULPT & EXILIS together work synergistically to enhance muscle mass and fat reduction, while EXIIS also helps with skin tightening. EXILIS is versatile and can target areas that EMSCULPT cannot reach such as the “Love handles” and “Bra rolls”


Customized care

Schedule a consultation with our physician or nurse practitioner to discuss the best options for you based on your aesthetic goals and personal attributes.