Lip Filler

Preserving natural beauty through artistry, symmetry, and balance.

Lip Shape

What constitutes beautiful lips? The single most important feature of lips is it’s overall natural shape. While correcting imperfections such as asymmetry, we emphasize the shape that naturally compliments your face. The lips remain a focal point of your face. Tastefully injected lips will immediately add youthfulness and a friendly appearance to your face.

Lip Definition

Well-defined lips will accentuate borders and will showcase the body of your lips. By adding volume, lips appear more hydrated, thereby diminishing wrinkles in the pink of your lips. By adding forward projection in proportion with your anatomy, you will see improvement on your profile view. All those little details will be discussed with you during consultation to ensure optimal results.

Light and Shadow

The world sees us in many different dimensions. When we apply lip gloss or lipstick, the light should fall in specific areas called “pillows of the lips” (three on the upper lip and two on the lower lip). Lip Filler can positively contribute to the light distribution on your lips and improve depth perception and overall lip curvature.

Lip Filler | Rejuve Medspa | Newcastle | Bellevue | Seattle | Sammamish

Lip Filler at Rejuve Medspa

Lip Filler at Rejuve Medspa

Lip Filler at Rejuve Medspa

Lip Filler | Rejuve Medspa | Seattle | Newcastle | Bellevue

Lip Filler at Rejuve Medspa