Erectile Dysfunction Treatment | Emsella for Men | Rejuve Medspa

Did you know that there is a non-surgical way to treat Erectile Dysfunction without taking pills? Erectile Dysfunction is defined by difficulty getting and keeping an erection, and 1 out of every 5 men in the US is affected.

Men who experience Erectile Dysfunction also may have incontinence issues which have similar root causes.

Emsella Key Benefits after 10 weekly sessions:

  • 70% of patients experienced some level of improvement

  • 37% improvement in maintaining erections

  • 46% decrease in night-time urination frequency

  • 38% improvement in control of urinary flow

Emsella for Urinary Incontinence

If you are experiencing both urinary incontinence and Erectile Dysfunction, you will likely need to treat your incontinence first. This involves a different protocol with 2 weekly Emeslla sessions for 3 consecutive weeks.