Giao Kaplan Giao Kaplan

Filler Dissolving with Ultrasound Guidance and Hyaluronidase

Filler has recently become less popular with more and more people starting to realize the long term risks. Filler lasts much longer than 1-2 years, gets stiffer, and naturally degrades unevenly resulting in a lumpy appearance. Filler builds up over time and can migrate from its original intended location. Because filler attracts water, an over-filled, puffy appearance may occur. Consequently, many people are now interested in having their filler dissolved and opting for other treatment options instead.

What types of filler can be dissolved?

Hyaluronic acid (HA) filler can be dissolved with Hyaluronidase. Whereas other types of filler (Bellafil - silicone) and Sculptra or Radiesse (biostimulators) cannot be dissolved with Hyaluronidase. Some types of filler such as Juvederm is more difficult to dissolve due to it’s extensive chemical crosslinking.

A study published in Jan 2023 in the Journal Molecule describes how different brands of Hyaluronidase such as Hylenex is superior to Hyalase in dissolving filler. Luckily, Hylenex is readily available in the United States. Read the full article: article link

How many sessions of Filler Dissolving will I need?

People are most often surprised by how difficult it is to dissolve filler and by the number of sessions it requires. For 1 syringe of filler, it is not uncommon to require 2-4 sessions of filler dissolving and several vials of Hyaluronidase to achieve the desired outcome. It’s much easier to dissolve filler when there is a large collection in one spot. However, most of the time filler is dispersed in tiny amounts diffusely. For those who have had many syringes of filler over many years, it could require 10 - 15+ sessions of filler dissolving, and yet not all the filler will be entirely dissolved.

How does Ultrasound help to dissolve filler?

Ultrasound increases accuracy and efficiency by allowing direct visualization of filler location and depth as well as proper cannula or needle placement. An ultrasound with doppler capability can help distinguish the difference between vessels and pockets of filler as both will appear dark. Silicone filler such as Bellafil will look different than HA filler. Ultrasound can also help to reduce the risk of bruising or hematoma formation by allowing visualization of the vessels to avoid.

It’s important to remain up to date on the most current clinical data for best outcomes with a commitment to safety. It’s also important to have the best equipment with proper features to allow for visualization of superficial anatomical landmarks. Dr. Kaplan at Rejuve Medspa in Newcastle, WA has over 25 years experience using ultrasound and has expertise in dissolving filler.

What are the common reasons to dissolve Filler?

Changing Trends: Sometimes we change our minds about following trends such as big lips, big cheeks, or pointy chins. Nothing wrong with wanting to revert back to your original or more natural appearance.

Filler Migration: Over time, filler can migrate from its intended location. Lip filler injected into the vermilion border can migrate outside of the lips. While lip filler injected too close to the wet/dry border can cause a lumpy or uneven smile along the inside border of the lips. Gravity and muscle contractions can eventually cause mid cheek filler to migrate downwards, causing an accentuated fullness to the lower cheeks and worsening the appearance of the nasolabial folds. Chin filler can migrate below the jawline causing an unusual contour.

Unnatural appearance: We often lose sight of how we look. Slowly adding more filler over the years can eventually lead to an over-filled look.

Lumps and bumps: Lip filler injected too superficially can cause a bumpy appearance. Under eye filler can frequently cause a lumpy appearance.

Bad outcome: Sometimes, filler can lead to delayed nodules or even infections (recurrent abscesses) in which case, the filler should be removed entirely.

Vascular occlusion: Filler inadvertently injected into an artery can cut off the blood supply to the surrounding normal tissue, leading to necrosis. If this happens, the filler should immediately be dissolved. In rare cases, even blindness or stroke symptoms can occur.

Do I need to remove all of my filler or can I keep some of it?

Not everyone wants all of their filler dissolved. Sometimes removing a small amount of filler can help achieve the desired outcome. If there is a nodule or complication related to old filler, it’s probably best to dissolve everything and start over with a clean slate.

How soon after getting filler dissolving will I know the results?

Filler dissolving usually works fairly quickly. However, on the day of dissolving you can expect to have swelling from the injection and fluid associated with injection of Hyaluronidase. Typically it can take 1-3 days for the swelling from the injection to reduce and for the effects of Hyaluronidase to become apparent.

How much does filler dissolving cost?

Dissolving filler is expensive. There are multiple factors that contribute to the cost. Primarily, Hylenex is an expensive product. Other supplies such as lidocaine solution, sterilizing products and other medical supplies are additional expenses. Dissolving filler with Ultrasound guidance takes more time and adds more cost than blindly dissolving filler because it requires more precision, more clinical expertise, and specialized equipment. On the other hand, dissolving filler without ultrasound guidance will likely result in missed areas and/or uneven results.

What are the potential side effects of Hyaluronidase?

There is a less than 1% chance of allergic reaction which is more likely if you have a bee sting allergy. Other potential complications include risk for local swelling, bruising, discomfort, itching. Injecting lidocaine can help with discomfort. Using ultrasound and/or Accuvein can help identify vessels to avoid, and will reduce the risk for bruising.

Before and After Photos of Filler Dissolving

Filler dissolving | Rejuve Medspa | Seattle | Bellevue | Issauquah
Filler dissolving | Rejuve Medspa | Newcastle | Seattle | Bellevue | Issaquah
Filler dissolving | Rejuve Medspa | Newcastle | Seattle | Bellevue | Issaquah
Lip filler dissolving | Rejuve Medspa | Seattle | Bellevue | Sammamish | Issaquah
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Giao Kaplan Giao Kaplan

Skincare Obsession with Hydrodermabrasion Facial - Why IT’s Better Than Hydrafacial

While you may have heard all the hype about Hydrafacials, Hydro-dermabrasion facials actually provide a more effective and deeper exfoliation to yield a radiant, youthful glow. Whereas Hydrafacial uses a plastic tip connected to suction to remove dead skin cells, Bio-brasion Hydro-dermabrasion has five different abrasive diamond tips that are much more effective for a deeper exfoliation. The diamond tips are connected to suction and gently sweeps over the skin to exfoliate while simultaneously infusing correcting serums designed to address pigmentation, dullness, pore size, acne, and aging.

What to expect from our signature Hydrodermabrasion Facial?

Pamper yourself with our signature medical grade facial that will enhance your youthful glow and leave your skin feeling hydrated and radiant. Hydro-dermabrasion is a comfortable and rejuvenating 60 minute experience. We incorporate the BT-Micro device which uses ultrasonic microcurrents. The ultrasonic microcurrent creates high speed oscillations to extract and further exfoliate dead skin cells, making your skin more receptive to serums and topicals that are applied during your facial. This treatment is safe and beneficial for all skin types, including acne-prone skin.

Rejuve Medspa’s Signature Hydro-dermabrasion Facial is combined with medical grade skincare products applied to address your unique skin concerns.

What are the Benefits of the Hydrodermabrasion Facial?

Hydro dermabrasion can help improve the appearance of:

  • Dull, lifeless skin

  • Uneven texture

  • Dehydrated skin

  • Congested/blemish prone skin

  • Enlarged pores

  • Fine lines/wrinkles

  • Mild acne scarring

  • Superficial sun damage/hyperpigmentation

Why Medical Grade Skincare Products Matter?

Medical grade skincare products work more effectively than over-the-counter products due to the quality, innovation and concentration of active ingredients. We 0ffer prescription medications for anti-aging, pigment reduction, melasma, and acne care. Some of our favorite exclusive professional brands include Alastin, Skinbetter, DefenAge, and EltaMD.


Add-on treatments include custom chemical peels, masks, LightStim Acne Panel, HEALITE, or Dermaplaning.


Chemical Peels can further enhance exfoliation. Depending on your specific skin concerns, our Master Aesthetician may recommend Glycolic acid, Light Jessner’s, Salicylic or Lactic acid chemical peels.


LightStim Acne Panel’s Blue LED light (415nm) activates porphyrins that target and destroy acne-causing bacteria. LightStim also combines red light (630 nm) to help sooth and calm the skin as well as prevent hyperpigmentation.


HEALITE harnesses the power of Infrared light to boost your body's natural regenerative and healing cascade. HEALITE speeds the healing and enhances the results of aesthetic treatments.


Dermaplaning provides an effective and safe exfoliation treatment that promotes deeper product penetration, boosting the effects of skin care products while making the skin look and feel smoother. Dermaplaning is perfect for removal of unwanted facial hair. It is also beneficial for reducing the appearance of:

  • Fine Lines/wrinkles

  • Uneven texture

  • Superficial sun damage

  • Mild acne scarring

  • Dull or dehydrated skin


Many people experience acne on their back. Back facials can be just as relaxing and enjoyable as regular facials and are an excellent way to cleanse, exfoliate dead skin, and deeply moisturize this hard-to-reach area. Back facials can also help to clear up specific conditions you are concerned about, such as clogged pores, oily skin, dry skin, acne-prone skin, uneven texture, and more. Our back facials offer a custom selected diamond tip microdermabrasion with adjustable suction that exfoliates away dead skin cells, prepping the skin for extractions and medical grade treatment products that are custom blended to help improve and restore tone and texture to your skin.

Some benefits back facials include:

  • Hydrates and cleanses skin leaving it feeling soft, smooth, and fresh

  • Removes a build up of dirt, oil, keratin, and dead skin cells

  • Helps heal and clear breakouts

  • Stimulate collagen production


Rejuve Medspa is located at the Newcastle Commons in Newcastle, WA. This area is conveniently close to Seattle, Bellevue, Mercer Island, Sammamish, Issaquah, Renton, and Redmond.

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Giao Kaplan Giao Kaplan

Why Steroid Injections for Cystic Acne is a Bad Idea…

Steroid injections (Kenalog or Triamcinolone) for acne have long been considered helpful in reducing inflammation for cystic acne. While steroids do indeed reduce inflammation, steroids can also break up collagen, leading to depressed (pitted) acne scars. Loss of collagen leads to thinning of the skin. Steroid injections can also cause skin discoloration and can even melt fat at the site of injection.

So would you rather trade the short-term benefit of shrinking the swelling of a cystic pimple for the long-term complication of a depressed or pitted acne scar, skin discoloration or thin skin?


  1. Skin Atrophy or depressed scars: Steroids can weaken or destroy collagen, resulting in a pitted appearance of the skin.

  2. Fat Atrophy: Steroids can melt fat, leading to a sunken appearance of the overlying skin.

  3. Skin Necrosis or Ulcerations: Because steroids can destroy collagen and fat, the skin can get very thin to the point of causing an ulcer.

  4. Pigmentation changes: Steroids can cause lightening or darkening of the skin tone.

  5. Short term benefit: While steroids can temporarily reduce swelling caused from cystic acne, it does not address the root cause of acne nor does it offer a permanent or long-term solution for cystic acne.

  6. Systemic effects of steroids: When steroids are absorbed within the body, potential side effects can occur such as weight gain, stretch marks, depression, moon face and menstrual cycle irregularities.

  7. Pain during injections: Steroid injections for cystic acne can be very painful even if local numbing medication is provided.

  8. Spread of Infection: Steroids reduce inflammation as well as the body’s immune response, causing delayed healing. The process of inserting a needle into an infected cystic acne can potentially spread the infection, leading to cellulitis (skin infection).


Cystic Acne is caused when bacteria, dead skin cells, and oil (sebum) get trapped below the skin’s surface and become infected. This leads to an inflamed, pus-filled cyst that can hurt to touch. Diet, hormones, stress, lifestyle, and genetics can contribute to the development of cystic acne.

How can cystic acne be safely treated?

Acne treatment can vary depending on the person’s unique skin conditions, lifestyle, prior treatment history, etc. Root cause analysis and treatment is the most effective way to address acne. Targeting the root cause(s) in ways that can promote healing without the harmful side effects or disfigurement is optimal.

It’s best to seek the advice of a professional who specializes in treating acne and acne scars. Often treatment options can be combined for synergistic effects. Persistence and patience is often necessary for lasting and impactful results. Dr. Kaplan at Rejuve Medspa has extensive experience and expertise in managing clients of all ages with active acne and acne scars. Book a consult to learn more about best options for you. It’s important to appropriately manage cystic acne in order to avoid the development of deep or pitted acne scars and skin discoloration.

Treatments to prevent or manage cystic acne include:

  1. Tretinoin or Retinols

  2. Facial Cleansers

  3. Topical Antibiotics

  4. Diet

  5. Hormones

  6. Chemical Peels

  7. Lasers

  8. Low Level Light Therapy

  9. RF Microneedling


Before and After Photos of Acne Scar Treatment


Located at the Newcastle Commons

13393 Newcastle Commons Drive, Newcastle, WA 98059. Serving the greater Seattle area and Eastside, Newcastle, Mercer Island, Bellevue, Lakemont, Factoria, Sammamish, Issaquah, Redmond, Renton, Auburn, Maple Valley, Carnation, Snoqualmie, Woodinville, Kirkland, Tacoma

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Giao Kaplan Giao Kaplan

Ultrasound in Aesthetics

When Dr. Kaplan transitioned from Emergency Medicine into Aesthetics in 2019, ultrasound was something she naturally wanted to incorporate into her practice. After working as an Emergency physician for 20 years, she found that ultrasound was a crucial diagnostic tool which helped her manage patients with pregnancy, cardiac, trauma, and surgical related complications. With the help of ultrasound, Dr. Kaplan was able to safely and accurately place central intravenous lines and perform various critical life-saving procedures.

Ultrasound for the placement of Dermal Filler:

Knowing the proper depth to inject dermal filler is crucial in providing a good aesthetic outcome as well as avoiding potentially devastating complications. Vascular occlusion is the dreaded complication of dermal filler which can lead to skin necrosis, stroke or even blindness. Vascular occlusion occurs when dermal filler is inadvertently injected into an artery, causing the blockage of blood flow to the surrounding tissue/skin. Intra-arterial filler injection can also embolize (float to the brain or retinal artery) to cause a stroke or blindness. While all injectors should know the facial anatomy and where arteries are most likely located, there are anatomical variations and not all humans are identical. Ultrasound adds a layer of safety by allowing for precision and accuracy. For someone who is meticulous in attention to detail and safety, Ultrasound is a vital tool which cannot be compromised.

Ultrasound for filler dissolving | Rejuve Medspa

Ultrasound for Filler Dissolving:

Knowing the precise location and depth of where dermal filler was placed allows for accuracy in proper dissolving technique. As a result, Filler dissolving product is less likely to be wasted in areas where no filler is located.

Ultrasound for PDO Thread Lift:

Dr. Kaplan once saw a patient who complained of uneven results after PDO threads placed by a plastic surgeon. Upon investigation with ultrasound, she saw that the PDO thread traversed the layer superficially under the skin but also deeper into the muscle layer in some areas. After realizing how easy it is to incorrectly assume that you are in the proper layer of the skin, Dr. Kaplan decided to use ultrasound to verify suitable placement of her PDO threads.

PDO threads if placed too deep into the muscle can cause suboptimal lifting effects. PDO placed improperly can also lead to injury to vital structures such as nerves, parotid gland, etc.

Ultrasound for Botox and Dysport injections:

When Neuromodulators such as Botox or Dysport are injected, the precise location and depth of the muscles are important in achieving the best outcome. Some areas such as masseters (jaw muscles) can have large variations in depth given everyone’s facial structures are slightly different. The muscles that control the forehead frown lines are closely aligned with nerve bundles that can result in migration of product down to the eyelid muscles, causing eyelid drop (ptosis). Knowing the precise anatomy allows for greater accuracy and improved effectiveness of the neuromodulator treatment as well as reducing any potential complications.

The Type of Ultrasound and experience Matters:

Ultrasound technology has evolved over the years. Using high quality equipment provides superior resolution. Using an ultrasound probe with the proper frequency will allow for visualization of detail in the superficial layers of the skin. If the wrong frequency probe is used without doppler, than arteries, veins and nerves will not be seen even if they are present.

At Rejuve Medspa, Dr. Kaplan prioritizes safety and is meticulous in her attention to detail. She chooses the highest quality equipment, and is well experienced and trained in the proper use of ultrasound in her practice. Dr. Kaplan is one of the first aesthetic providers in the Puget Sound area to incorporate the routine use of ultrasound in a Medical Spa setting.


Rejuve Medspa is located at the Newcastle Commons in Newcastle, WA. This area is conveniently close to Seattle, Bellevue, Mercer Island, Sammamish, Issaquah, Renton, and Redmond.

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Giao Kaplan Giao Kaplan

Discover the Skincare Revolution: Unveiling Mystro Active Balance Serum

Introducing Mystro Active Balance Serum by SkinBetter Science – the skincare revolution your skin has been waiting for. This innovative serum is a powerhouse of active ingredients meticulously crafted to restore and maintain a harmonious balance in your skin.

Mystro Active Balance Serum goes beyond the ordinary, addressing a myriad of skincare concerns. Packed with potent antioxidants, it shields your skin from environmental stressors, while its hydrating formula ensures a plump and youthful complexion. The serum's unique blend of ingredients works synergistically to promote collagen production, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

What sets Mystro apart is its adaptability – suitable for all skin types, it adjusts to your skin's specific needs, providing a personalized skincare experience. Say goodbye to dull, tired skin and embrace a radiant, balanced glow with Mystro Active Balance Serum – the secret weapon in achieving your skincare goals.

What are the key benefits of Mystro?

  • Improves visible skin quality in just 2 weeks

  • Improves fine lines/wrinkles - anti-aging powerhouse

  • Improves appearance of redness, skin texture, dullness

  • Reduces pore size and uneven pigmentation

  • Helps achieve glowing, healthier-looking skin

Rejuve Medspa's Seal of Approval: Why Mystro is a Staff Favorite

At Rejuve Medspa, we believe in offering our clients the very best in skincare, and Mystro Active Balance Serum by SkinBetter Science has undoubtedly become a staff favorite for good reason. As Dr. Kaplan personally attests, Mystro's advanced formula is a game-changer. Its unique blend of ingredients is carefully curated to address a spectrum of skin concerns, delivering results that our team stands behind with confidence.

Dr. Kaplan emphasizes Mystro's adaptability, praising its ability to cater to individual skin needs. The serum's impressive hydration and collagen-boosting properties make it an indispensable tool in achieving and maintaining a healthy, youthful complexion. We've seen firsthand the transformative effects of Mystro on our clients' skin, and it has earned its place as a staple in our skincare regimen.

Experience the difference that Mystro Active Balance Serum can make for your skin. Trust the expertise of Dr. Kaplan and the Rejuve Medspa team – because your skin deserves nothing but the best.

Why is Mystro so effective?

  1. Key Ingredients: Mystro includes key ingredients known for their skincare benefits. These include plant adaptogens which helps skin manage stress, fostering balance and homeostasis.

  2. Scientific Research: Effective skincare products are often backed by scientific research. SkinBetter Science is known for its commitment to scientific innovation, and Mystro incorporates advanced technologies and clinically-proven ingredients to deliver visible results.

  3. Adaptability: Mystro is designed to adapt to individual skin needs, and it provides a personalized skincare experience. This adaptability allows the product to address a variety of skin concerns, making it suitable for a wide range of users.

  4. Quality Formulation: The overall quality and concentration of ingredients in the formulation plays a crucial role in a product's effectiveness. SkinBetter Science products are developed with a focus on quality and efficacy.


Rejuve Medspa is located at the Newcastle Commons in Newcastle, WA. This area is conveniently close to Seattle, Bellevue, Mercer Island, Sammamish, Issaquah, Renton, and Redmond.

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Giao Kaplan Giao Kaplan

Renuva - New Anti-Aging Treatment for Natural Volume Lasting Up to 10 Years

Renuva is a unique ground-breaking injectable treatment that gradually replaces age-related fat loss with your body’s own natural fat. Dr. Kaplan at Rejuve Medspa is the first aesthetic specialist in the Pacific Northwest to offer Renuva.

Renuva is a unique ground-breaking injectable treatment that gradually replaces age-related fat loss with your body’s own natural fat. An excellent alternative to filler or fat transfer, Renuva is safe and effective for volumizing the face, neck, hands, and body.

How does Renuva work?

Renuva is a biocompatible agent containing the same growth factors, protein and collagen found in your own fat. Once injected underneath the skin, Renuva creates a honeycomb-like matrix which fills with your own natural fat. Over the course of 3-6 months, the honeycomb-like matrix dissolves while your own fat cells remain in the targeted treatment area. Renuva is ideal for replacing volume related to age-related fat loss as well as for treating depressed scars, cellulite dimples, liposuction irregularities, and other body contour deficiencies.

What are the benefits of Renuva?

Renuva is the only off-the-shelf product that replaces lost volume with your own natural fat. The results are natural-appearing and long-lasting (about 7-10 years). Renuva also improves skin quality and texture, improving the appearance of wrinkles and loose skin.

Where can Renuva be used?

Renuva can be injected anywhere on the face or body that naturally contains fat.

Most popular areas on the FACE for Renuva:

  • Cheeks (sub and mid malar)

  • Nasolabial folds

  • Lateral zygoma (cheek bone area)

  • Marionette (pre-jowl sulcus)

  • Jawline

  • Temples

  • Neck

Renuva before and after of neck

Popular areas on the Body for Renuva:

  • Hip dip correction

  • Cellulite dimples

  • Body contour deficiencies (including breasts and buttocks)

  • Liposuction irregularities

  • Depressed scars

  • Post fat grafting irregularities

Where should Renuva be avoided?

Renuva should not be injected into muscle, tear troughs (under eye region), nose, lips, glabella (forehead frown line area), or glands.

How Long Will Results Last with Renuva?

Since Renuva’s honeycomb matrix fills with your own natural fat, the results will last as long as your own natural fat last which is about 7-10+ years. Duration may vary depending on your metabolism, age, diet and lifestyle.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments you will need depends on the severity of the volume deficiency. Typically for the face, hands, or small cellulite dimples, only 1-2 treatments is needed. Other large volume deficits like hip dips, buttocks or breast contouring can require 2-3 treatments.

What is Renuva Made of?

Renuva is is an allograft matrix derived from human adipose (fat) cells which contains the structural components of fat including collagen, proteins, and growth factors but does not contain any DNA, red blood cells, or other immunogenic components. Renuva is produced by MTF Biologics, a nonprofit organization founded by surgeons in 1987. MTF Biologics has been on the forefront of saving and healing lives through innovations in tissue and organ donation, transplantation and research. Renuva has a proven safety track record with over 30 years in use and more than 10 million graft treatments worldwide.

How is Renuva different from Filler?

Renuva is not a filler, but rather an extracellular matrix that acts as a scaffold for growth of your own fat cells. Filler on the other hand, is a hyaluronic acid gel that is chemically crosslinked to maintain its shape and consistency. Patients treated with fillers over time can develop an unnatural puffy or swollen look often referred to as “filler fatigue.” Filler fatigue swelling results because hyaluronic acid attracts water.

How is Renuva different from Sculptra?

Sculptra is a collagen stimulator made of PLLA (poly L lactic acid) which gradually stimulates the production of type I and III collagen once injected, whereas Renuva replaces your own natural fat. Results of Sculptra lasts for about 2+ years, whereas results of Renuva is about 7-10+ years.

Is Renuva better than Fat Transfer?

With fat transfer, fat first needs to be harvested from a donor site. This donor fat goes through a reconstituting process to prepare it for injection. With fat transfer, the area is typically over-corrected with donor fat because only a percentage of the donor fat will survive. Thus, the results with fat transfer are more unpredictable. In addition, injecting fat carries the risk of fat embolism which is caused when fat is inadvertently injected into an artery, leading to potentially serious complications.

Renuva injection does not require liposuction, and has no associated downtime or complications of liposuction. Renuva provides the matrix containing the necessary growth factors and proteins to stimulate the growth of your own fat cells along with the blood vessels required to support the new surrounding tissue.

What can I expect with my Renuva treatment?

Renuva is a quick in-office treatment that is non-surgical and does not require any anesthesia. As with any injection, initial bruising and swelling can be expected. The risk of bruising is significantly reduced if Renuva is injected with cannula (blunt tip) rather than with a needle. The results of Renuva are gradual and continue to improve for about 3-6 months. Individual results may vary. More than 1 session may be required.

Renuva Before and After photos:

Where can I find a Renuva specialist?

Dr. Kaplan at Rejuve Medspa is proud to be the first aesthetic specialist in the Pacific Northwest to offer Renuva. Dr. Kaplan is passionate about helping clients age gracefully and “naturally.” She stays up-to-date on the latest advancements in regenerative aesthetics to achieve the natural and long-lasting results that her clients seek.

Rejuve Medspa is located at the Newcastle Commons in Newcastle, WA. Also serving the greater Seattle, Bellevue, Mercer Island, Sammamish, and Issaquah areas.

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Rejuve Medspa is located at the Newcastle Commons in Newcastle, WA. This area is conveniently close to Seattle, Bellevue, Mercer Island, Sammamish, Issaquah, Renton, and Redmond.

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Giao Kaplan Giao Kaplan

PRX Skin Tightening “no Peel” Chemical PEEL

As the saying goes, “fall is peel season”, known as the “perfect” time for deep exfoliation and skincare. With PRX, anytime of the year is a perfect time. This no-downtime chemical peel works on the deep skin layers, so you don’t get the traditional sheets of peeling skin that makes it embarrassing to be seen in public. Because PRX activates deeper depths of skin, it has more skin-tightening benefit. Your skin will appear smoother, firmer, and brighter without needles or downtime.

What is PRX T33?

PRX T33 is a revolutionary skin bio-revitalizing procedure from Italy with an international patent that is beneficial for all skin types, and safe to use during all seasons. PRX T33 combines hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and a high concentration of trichloacetic acid (TCA) for immediate and long-term improvements to the skin. Another key component is Kojic acid which helps to brighten the skin. PRX T33’s effects are unparalleled in the aesthetic industry with proven results over time and more than 3 million applications administered worldwide.

What skin conditions will PRX Improve?

PRX T33 may improve a variety of skin conditions for both the face and body. PRX is also ideal for reversing and preventing signs of aging skin. PRX can help stimulate improvements in the appearance of :

  • Pitted scars (acne, surgical, chicken pox, impetigo, etc)

  • Stretch marks

  • Sagging skin (face and body)

  • Fine lines/wrinkles

  • Dullness

  • Pore size

  • Hyperpigmentation (melasma, sun damage, scars)

  • Redness

  • Aging skin

What can I expect after receiving a PRX Treatment?

Immediately after the treatment, your skin will be glowing. The skincare regimen recommended after a PRX treatment is simple. One day after the treatment, apply the smoothing fluid (at night time only) then 30 minutes later, apply the moisturizing cream (morning and night). You may experience some mild flaky skin which can be exfoliated. At Rejuve Medspa, we recommend only gentle exfoliating cleansers. One of our favorites is DefenAge Step 1 Cleanser.

How many PRX sessions will I need?

If you are doing PRX alone without combining other modalities such as lasers, microdermabrasion or microneedling, then 4-8 sessions may be needed. Sessions are performed 1 week apart ideally for optimal results.

PRX combined with LaseMD Ultra Laser:

Combining treatment modalities will enhance the skin tightening and brightening effects of PRX. LaseMD Ultra will resurface the skin allowing the PRX to penetrate more thoroughly and deeply for enhanced results. The immediate glow and skin tightening benefit will also be associated with some flaky skin as the exfoliating effect of both treatments will be more apparent.

PRX Combined with Hydro Dermabrasion:

Our signature Hydro Dermabrasion facial provides a deep exfoliation utilizing a diamond tip and suction to remove the top layer of dead skin cells. PRX applied after a Hydro Dermabrasion facial will boost the bio-revitalizing effects of PRX to give your skin an immediate firmer appearance and dewy glow.

Before and After 6 Sessions of PRX:

PRX | Rejuve Medspa | Seattle | Bellevue

Rejuve Medspa is located at the Newcastle Commons in Newcastle, WA. This area is conveniently close to Seattle, Bellevue, Mercer Island, Sammamish, Issaquah, Renton, and Redmond.

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Giao Kaplan Giao Kaplan

glowing skin with lasemd ultra

Lutronic ULTRA is a low-downtime laser that resurfaces the skin, giving it brighter tone & improved texture. Treatments can be customized for your particular needs & schedule for treatment of fine lines & wrinkles, age spots, non-cancerous pigmented lesions, & sun damage. Lutronic ULTRA is the next generation laser (improved over LaseMD). It has 20 watts of power (as opposed to LaseMD which as 5 watts of power). Therefore, treatments with ULTRA are faster & can be titrated to a more powerful strength, giving improved results.

Lutronic LaseMD ULTRA is a low-downtime laser that resurfaces the skin, giving it brighter tone and improved texture. Treatments can be customized for your particular needs and schedule. ULTRA can be used anywhere on the body for treatment of fine lines and wrinkles, age spots, freckles, sun spots, non-cancerous pigmented lesions, sun damage, and even Melasma.

Lutronic ULTRA is the next generation thulium laser (improved over LaseMD). It has 20 watts of power (as opposed to LaseMD which as 5 watts of power). Therefore, treatments with ULTRA are faster and can be titrated to a more powerful strength, giving improved results.

what are the benefits of Lutronic LasemD ultra Laser?

Glowing skin with improved tone and texture for a smoother and brighter complexion is what patients rave about.

  • Improved appearance of scars

  • Reduce pigment and sun damage for brighter appearance of skin

  • Can be used on skin anywhere on the face/body

  • Low downtime

  • Safe for all skin types

  • Safe for use all year round

how does LaseMD ultra work?

  • ULTRA is a 1927 nm wavelength laser which resurfaces the skin in the epidermis and dermis.

  • ULTRA targets water instead of pigment, resulting in a more even treatment. It is less likely to cause unintentional burns than IPL which targets pigment. Thus it is safe for all skin types.

  • ULTRA causes non-ablative, microscopic injuries which stimulates new collagen production, and has a fast recovery period.

What is the Ultra treatment like?

Patients can expect mild redness after the treatment, but you look great! You don’t have to worry about taking time off from work or hiding at home for an extended recovery time. You can wear 100% tinted mineral sunscreen right away to reduce the appearance of redness - our favorite is EltaMD UV Elements.

  • Your provider at Rejuve Medspa may apply numbing cream prior to treatment depending on the settings and goals for your treatment. For the “Glo and Go” treatment, no numbing medication is required.

  • Patients describe the Ultra treatment as a warm, tingling sensation which may vary. The treatment time may range from 10-20 minutes or longer depending on how much area is being treated.

  • Immediately following the treatment, you will notice some redness which will lessen over the next day or so.

  • The following 5-6 days, your skin will have a dry, sandpaper-like texture. This is normal and will resolve as your skin exfoliates, revealing fresher, clearer skin.

Clarity II Laser with Ultra Laser

Clarity II can be pared with LaseMD Ultra Laser for enhanced reduction of unwanted pigment, resulting in a brighter, smoother complexion.

HEALITE with Ultra Laser

Although the healing time with the Ultra Laser is very quick, HEALITE can further speed recovery and enhance collagen stimulation to improve overall results.

Exosomes with Ultra Laser

Exosome Regenerative Complex promotes skin cell proliferation by up to 80%, resulting in an increase in the Elastin amount of human dermal fibroblasts up to 300%. The Ultra Laser creates tiny micro channels on the skin allowing for the absorption of Exosomes to both speed recovery and boost the rejuvenating benefits of this laser treatment.

before and after photos:

Rejuve Medspa | LaseMD Ultra | Laser Skin Resurfacing
LaseMD Ultra B&A (13).pngRejuve Medspa | LaseMD Ultra | Laser Skin Resurfacing
Rejuve Medspa | LaseMD Ultra | Laser Skin Resurfacing
Rejuve Medspa | LaseMD Ultra | Laser Skin Resurfacing
Rejuve Medspa | LaseMD Ultra | Laser Skin Resurfacing

what should i do to prepare for treatment with LaseMD ultra?

  • Clean skin: avoid wearing make-up when coming in for your appointment.

  • Avoid retinols or tretinoin (Retin A) for 1 week prior.

  • Tell your provider if you have a history of Herpes Simplex or Shingles as this might require that you take medication to prevent an outbreak.

post-care: what do i need to do after treatment with LaseMD ultra?

  • Use mild soap for 10 days.

  • Avoid glycolic acid, exfoliants, soap containing salicylic acid or alcohol for 14 days.

  • Avoid sun exposure and wear mineral-based sunscreen.

  • Avoid wearing makeup for 24 hours.

Learn MORE about lasemd


Rejuve Medspa is located at the Newcastle Commons in Newcastle, WA. This area is conveniently close to Seattle, Bellevue, Mercer Island, Sammamish, Issaquah, Renton, and Redmond.

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Giao Kaplan Giao Kaplan

AlphaRet Overnight Cream by Skinbetter Science

Why AlphaRet is a staff favorite?

We love Skinbetter Science Professional line of products, particularly AlphaRet for it’s powerful anti-aging effects without the associated unwanted side effects. Over-the-counter retail Retinol products typically contain low concentrations of Retinol. Tretinoin is known to be 20 times more potent than Retinol, but can also cause redness, irritation and dryness making compliance a major deterrent.

The Ground Breaking Difference

The patented AlphaRet molecule consists of a retinoid and an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA). This double conjugated structure permits the gradual release of product, resulting in a gradual, less irritating skin response.

Retinoid + AHA (lactic acid) = AlphaRet

AlphaRet also contains glycolic acid to promote skin exfoliation, moisturizing ingredients to help counteract dryness, peptides and antioxidants to further support aging skin.

What Skin Concerns Does AlphaRet Address?

Basically anyone who wants to prevent signs of aging should be using AlphaRet. AlphaRet addresses photodamage, fine lines/wrinkles, pigmentation, and uneven texture.

What are the Benefits of AlphaRet?

Recommended to be used nightly, AlphaRet will stimulate cell turnover and promote collagen production, thereby improving the quality, tone, and texture of your skin. Key benefits of Alpharet include:

  • Smooths appearance of Crow’s feet and lines

  • Relieves under-eye puffiness

  • Diminishes dryness and locks in moisture

  • Brightens under-eye darkness

Do I need to use a moisturizer with AlphaRet?

Generally no additional moisturizer is required. AlphaRet Overnight Cream contains an ultra hydrating blend of Squalene, Niacinamide, Ceramides and fatty acids.

Can AlphaRet help with Acne?

Retinoids are known to help combat acne. AlphaRet Overnight Cream works to reduce inflammation caused by acne since it contains Antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin E, and CoEnzyme Q10. It also incorporates calming ingredients such as bisabolol, allantoin glycyrrhetinic acid, and green tea extract to reduce redness.

How Can I purchase AlphaRet Overnight Cream?

We offer AlphaRet Overnight Cream at our medical spa in Newcastle, WA along with other medical grade and prescription skincare products. You can also purchase all Skinbetter Science products for direct delivery to your home using the below link.

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Giao Kaplan Giao Kaplan

Nucleoskin - What is it? And Why We Love it!

Nucleoskin is a topical serum that contains 3 main ingredients formulated to stimulate collagen synthesis, reduce fine lines/wrinkles, plump and brighten skin. Combining Nucleoskin with aesthetic treatments speeds the recovery time and enhances results.

What does Nucleoskin contain?

  1. Polydeoxyribonucleotides (PDRN)

  2. Hyaluronic Acid

  3. Glutathione

The combined effect of the 3 ingredients serve to improve tone, texture, and quality of the skin.

What is Polydeoxyribonucleotides (PDRN) and How Does it Work?

Abundant research has been published about Polydeoxyribonucleotides (PDRN) revealing its ability to repair skin/tissue, aid in the development of new blood vessels, reduce inflammation, reduce hyperpigmentation, and boost collagen synthesis.

Reference links for PDRN include:;;

What is the Role of Glutathione and Hyaluronic Acid?

Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that helps to reduce hyperpigmentation and promotes healing from UV damage.

Hyaluronic acid has a plumping effect to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and skin depressions.

Is Nucleoskin the same as Nucleofill?

Nucleofill is the PDRN product in Europe, and is designed to be injected. In the United States, Nucleofill is not FDA approved for injection. So Nucleoskin was instead formulated for topical use as a cosmeceutical. Both Nucleofill and Nucleoskin have high concentrations of PDRN, but the exact ingredients and concentrations may be altered to meet the US guidelines.

At Rejuve Medspa, we personalize your treatment plan, and specifically tailor it to your aesthetic goals.


Rejuve Medspa is located at the Newcastle Commons in Newcastle, WA. This area is conveniently close to Seattle, Bellevue, Mercer Island, Sammamish, Issaquah, Renton, and Redmond.

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Giao Kaplan Giao Kaplan

Genius RF Microneedling - Why Its So Effective For Skin Tightening and Acne Scars

Lutronic Genius RF Microneedling combines Radiofrequency with Microneedling to target multiple depths of your skin to stimulate collagen & elastin production. Both mechanisms of Microneedling & heating tissue with Radiofrequency causes injury to the tissue beneath the epidermis. Injury triggers the body’s natural healing cascade which in turn promotes the building of new collagen & elastin.

After the age of 20, we lose about 1% of collagen every year. To keep skin appearing youthful and healthy, it is important to maintain abundant levels of collagen and elastin. Collagen is a protein made up of amino-acids and makes up about a third of all of the protein in your body. Collagen is often referred to as the “glue that holds everything together.” It keeps the skin elastic and firm.

Lutronic Genius RF Microneedling combines Radiofrequency with Microneedling to target multiple depths of your skin to stimulate collagen and elastin production. Both mechanisms of Microneedling and heating tissue with Radiofrequency causes injury to the tissue beneath the epidermis (top layer of the skin). Injury triggers the body’s natural healing cascade which in turn promotes the building of new collagen and elastin.

What does genius do?

  • Builds collagen and elastin

  • Tightens skin (reduces wrinkles and improves loose skin)

  • Improves acne by reducing pore size and sebum (oil) production

  • Improves acne scars

  • Improves appearance of cellulite and stretch marks

Genius RF for Acne Scars:

Rejuve Medspa | Genius RF Microneedling for Acne Scar Treatment
Rejuve Medspa | Genius RF Microneedling for Acne Scar Treatment

Genius RF for wrinkles:

Rejuve Medspa | Genius RF Microneedling for Skin Tightening and wrinkle treatment
Rejuve Medspa | Genius RF Microneedling for Skin Tightening and Wrinkle Treatment

how does genius work?

There are 4 different tips to choose from depending on what target areas are desired. The face tip has 49 very fine needles which can be programmed to target specific depths. Deeper depths achieve facial contouring and fat reduction where desired (such as in the jowl’s or under eye bags). Emitting radiofrequency at more superficial depths cause skin tightening which has greater effects on reducing wrinkles. The goal of treatment with Genius is to target multiple depths to achieve various desired effects.

Genius is safe for all skin types because it avoids injury to the epidermis (top layer of skin) where the melanocytes (pigment cells) reside. Although there is still a rare chance of hyperpigmentation (dark discoloration of the skin), it is unlikely.

How Does Genius compare with Morpheus 8 or Other RF Microneedling Devices on the Market?

Genius RF Microneedling by Lutronic distinguishes itself from other RF microneedling devices on the market by the superior effectiveness of the treatments without the associated downtime. Because there are 49 needles per tip (compared with 24 needles with Morpheus 8), more energy can be emitted, producing a higher level of skin tightening. In addition, the Genius needles are finer and more flexible, causing less epidermal injury, less risk for bruising, bleeding, or scratches often seen with Morpheus 8 treatments.

1 week after Morpheus 8 Treatment

Immediately after Genius + Ultra Laser

Combining Genius RF Microneedling with LaseMD Ultra:

While Genius RF Microneedling affects the deeper layers of the skin to stimulate collagen production resulting in skin tightening and reduced appearance of scars, LaseMD Ultra is a resurfacing laser that works on the more superficial layers of the skin to improve fine lines/wrinkles, smooth texture, and remove unwanted pigment. Both treatments can be performed on the same day for optimal results.

Genius pre-treatment: What should I do to prepare?

Before your Genius treatment, it is important to take these steps:

  • Medical Clearance and Consent: The Rejuve Medspa team will make sure to answer your questions and address any concerns.

  • Stop any Retinols or Tretinoin (Retin-A) products 1 week before Genius

  • Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning (wear daily sunscreen) 3-4 weeks before treatment.

  • Tell your provider if you have any history of herpes simplex or shingles in the treatment area - this will require that you take anti-viral medications to prevent a break-out.

  • Clean skin: avoid applying make-up, ointments or creams to the treatment area.

  • Avoid aspirin or Motrin (ibuprofen) 1 day prior to Genius treatment. You may not be a candidate for Genius if you are taking blood thinners.

what can i expect during Genius treatment?

  • Topical numbing medication will be applied after your skin has been thoroughly cleansed. The numbing medication is left on the skin for 1 hour before treatment begins. A section of your treatment area will be cleansed before microneedling on that section begins.

  • The microneedling tip has very fine needles that make the procedure tolerable. The providers at Rejuve Medspa will answer all your questions and take you step by step through the process.

genius post-treatment: what should I do after treatment?

  • Avoid any skin products or cleansers to treated area for 12 hours. Then use gentle cleanser for 2 weeks.

  • Avoid any strenuous activity for 24 hours (sweating increases risk for infection).

  • Avoid wearing Make-up for 2-3 days.

  • Use mineral-based sun screen daily.

  • Avoid excessive heat or sun exposure for 1 week.

  • Avoid Tretinoin or Retinol for 1 week.

  • Avoid Lasers, BBL or IPL for 4 weeks.

  • Recommend DefenAge 8:1 bioserum twice daily to help regenerate new skin cells.  

  • Your providers at Rejuve Medspa can answer your questions about other skin care products or concerns you may have.

what to expect after genius treatment:

  • 1 day Post-Treatment: Redness and transient edema, skin begins to turn to a condition similar to before treatment.

  • 3 days - 1 week Post-Treatment: Brighter skin tone and significant reduction in sebum secretion in oily skin types.

  • 1 month Post-Treatment: Improvement of fine wrinkles and skin laxity.

  • 1-3 months Post-Treatment: Continuous improvement of fine wrinkles, pores size, scars and skin laxity.

  • Common expected skin reactions include erythema (redness), edema (swelling), transient pin-point bleeding, and very slight discomfort after treatment.  Pin-point bleeding should stop within minutes after application, discomfort within a few hours and erythema and edema gradually diminishes to normal in 1 to 3 days.

  • Crusting begins to appear 1 – 2 days after treatment and sloughs off in 3 – 5 days.

  • Other less common skin reactions include petechia which fade in a few days or bruising (purpura) which can take up to a week to disappear.

  • Other skin reactions include irritation, itching, and burning sensation. These typically subside in a few hours to 1 day, but may get aggravated with heat or sweating.  If these reactions continue consider evaluating for possible infection, changing their skin care regimen and/or short-term use of mild topical steroid.

when should i follow up?

  • It is best to wait 4-6 weeks before seeking another Genius treatment.

before and after photos

genius for skin rejuvenation, skin tightening

Rejuve Medspa | Genius RF Microneedling for Skin Tightening and Wrinkle Treatment
Rejuve Medspa | Genius RF Microneedling for Skin Tightening

genius for acne scars

Rejuve Medspa | Genius RF Microneedling for Acne Scars

genius for nasolabial folds and wrinkles

Rejuve Medspa | Genius RF Microneedling for Skin Tightening of nasolabial folds
Rejuve Medspa | Genius RF Microneedling for Skin Tightening on Chest
Rejuve Medspa | Genius RF Microneedling for Skin Tightening on Neck

Learn more about genius rf microneedling


Rejuve Medspa is located at the Newcastle Commons in Newcastle, WA. This area is conveniently close to Seattle, Bellevue, Mercer Island, Sammamish, Issaquah, Renton, and Redmond.

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Giao Kaplan Giao Kaplan

RHA - Luxe Designer Filler

RHA is the only FDA approved hyaluronic acid filler for dynamic folds and wrinkles. The RHA collection of filler is created more like your own natural hyaluronic acid (HA). It is the latest innovation in the HA dermal filler technology.

RHA is a new designer filler that integrates seamlessly for a natural appearance with dynamic movement.

How is RHA different from other fillers?

RHA is the only FDA approved hyaluronic acid filler for dynamic folds and wrinkles. The RHA collection of filler is created more like your own natural hyaluronic acid (HA). It is the latest innovation in the HA dermal filler technology.

Other fillers such as Juvederm (Volbella, Vollure, Voluma) contain large amounts of chemical crosslinking which helps to retain their shape and last longer. RHA has longer HA chains and the least amount of chemical crosslinking which gives it more stretchability and offers a more natural look, especially during facial movements.

RHA Redensity for Smoker’s Lines:

RHA Redensity is the only dermal filler that can be injected superficially into the skin to address fine lines and wrinkles. This allows the reduction of wrinkles without an overdone puffy look.

RHA for Nasolabial Folds:

RHA Filler for Dynamic Wrinkles:

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Rejuve Medspa is located at the Newcastle Commons in Newcastle, WA. Also serving the greater Seattle, Bellevue, Renton and Issaquah areas.

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Giao Kaplan Giao Kaplan

How to Prevent and Remove Scars - What are the Latest Advances?

Scar appearance improves over time, but why wait? Why not prevent a scar before it occurs? But how? Let’s take a deep dive into the latest advances in scar prevention and scar removal.

Clinical Expertise in wound care

Dr. Kaplan has over 20 years experience as a former board-certified emergency physician, specializing in aesthetic and regenerative medicine since 2019. Her experience managing complex trauma and surgical complications piqued her interest in alternative methods of treating wounds, particularly in preventing and revising scars non-surgically. She provides treatment options that enhance the traditional methods of wound care to speed recovery for optimal outcomes.

When do I start scar prevention?

As soon as possible! Early intervention is the key to successful scar prevention. Whether a scar can be completely avoided or reduced is dependent on how early the treatment is started and how aggressively it is managed.

What are the Different Types of Scars?

Acne scars tend to be depressed scars and are categorized as either Icepick, Box car, or Rolling types. Acne scars are caused by collagen destruction during the inflammatory process.

Burn scars occur when heat damages the skin. When burns only affect the top layer of the skin, the scar typically eventually fades over time. When the deeper layers of the skin are damaged, the scars can be permanent with thick, leathery, contracted or irregular appearance.

Hypertrophic scars are scars are thick, raised scars that are contained within the site of injury and may shrink over time. The pattern of collagen within a hypertrophic scar tends to be wavy.

Keloid scars are abnormally thick, raised scars that spread beyond the injury site and do not shrink over time. Keloid scars form as a result of an abnormal response to injury, creating excessive, thick collagen that holds no distinct pattern.

How can I prevent a scar from forming?

Understanding how healing occurs sheds light on how to best intervene. A fibrin clot will form at the site of a wound that promotes the release of platelets, white blood cells, and macrophages. Macrophages are responsible for releasing the body’s natural defenses to promote healing including several key growth factors responsible for healing. Among them include bFGF (basic fibroblast growth factor) which controls cellular proliferation of fibroblasts which are primarily responsible for building collagen. In other words, bFGF is important for the growth and regeneration of blood vessels, skin, fat, cartilage, tendons/ligaments, bone, and nerve tissue.

There are 4 stages of wound healing

Phase 1 Hemostasis (bleeding, clot)

Phase 2 Inflammatory (1 week)

Phase 3 Proliferation (fibroblast proliferation - 1 month)

Phase 4 Remodeling (3 weeks - 12 months)

Combination Therapy for Scar Prevention and Treatment:

At Rejuve Medspa, Dr. Kaplan applies her expertise and has several modalities available for the management of scar prevention and/or reversal. Depending on the type and severity of the scar, Dr. Kaplan will formulate a personalized plan for you. In most cases combining multiple modalities will provide the best outcomes.

HEALITE for Prevention of Scar Formation:

Scars can be prevented when we provide an environment where cells and intracellular functions are most efficient. Near infrared light has been clinically proven to speed recovery, lessen pain, bruising, swelling as well has enhance the cosmetic result of wound healing by boosting the ATP production or energy that the cells need to function.

At Rejuve Medspa we provide HEALITE II, FDA cleared for the temporary relief of minor muscle and joint pain, arthritis and muscle spasm. HEALITE boosts the cellular response to wound healing by recruiting macrophages, mast cells, and neutrophils. Neutrophils are white blood cells that are vital in fighting infections, while macrophages release growth factors responsible for wound healing.

Exosomes for Scar Prevention:

Exosome Regenerative Complex promotes skin cell proliferation by up to 80% in a dose-dependent manner. This results in an increase in the Elastin amount of human dermal fibroblasts up to 300%. Exosomes are responsible for cell to cell communication vital to the recruitment of peptides and growth factors needed during the healing process.

Growth Factors for Scar Prevention:

Exogenous growth factors can be added to boost the body’s natural defenses during the wound healing process. While HEALITE and Exosomes boost your body’s own ability to recruit growth factors and peptides, there also also topical products on the market which contain concentrated amounts of growth factors that are specifically targeted for helping in the healing cascade.

CO2 Laser for Scar Removal

Lutronic eCO2 Plus is an ablative CO2 laser that can reduce the appearance of scars including acne scars, surgical scars, burn scars and scars from lacerations or other injuries.

LaseMD Ultra Laser for Scar Reduction:

LaseMD Ultra is a non-ablative laser most popularly used for skin resurfacing/rejuvenation is also capable of reducing the appearance of acne scars and other types of scars.

Genius RF Microneedling for Scar Treatment:

Genius RF Microneedling targets the deeper layers of the skin to stimulate collagen, improve skin texture, tighten skin, and reduce pore size. Genius can also reduce active acne outbreaks by reducing oil production.

Subcision of Acne Scars:

Deep acne scars occur as a result of collagen loss and fibrous bands that attach from the skin surface to the fascia layer, causing a depressed or indented appearance of the skin. Deeply depressed scars will often require subcision to release the fibrous bands and stimulate collagen production.


Rejuve Medspa is located at the Newcastle Commons in Newcastle, WA. This area is conveniently close to Seattle, Bellevue, Mercer Island, Sammamish, Issaquah, Renton, and Redmond.

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Giao Kaplan Giao Kaplan

What is Sculptra and Why Choose Sculptra Over Dermal Filler?

What’s difference between dermal fillers and Scupltra? Sculptra is an injectable biostimulator made of of poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA). Sculptra has a liquid consistency and is injected underneath the skin. Once injected, Sculptra incorporates into the tissues and stimulates your body’s natural production of collagen.

What is Sculptra vs dermal filler?

What’s difference between dermal fillers and Scupltra? Sculptra is an injectable biostimulator made of of poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA). Sculptra has a liquid consistency and is injected underneath the skin. Once injected, Sculptra incorporates into the tissues and stimulates your body’s natural production of collagen.

On the other hand, dermal fillers are made of Hyaluronic acid designed to hold its shape in the form of a gel-like substance. Dermal fillers do not stimulate collagen production, but rather are meant to temporarily replace missing volume. The effects of dermal filler are apparent immediately. Whereas the effects of Sculptra happens gradually since it takes time for the body to build collagen.

Both Dermal filler and Sculptra are designed to address lost volume, fine lines, folds and wrinkles. Due to the aging process, environmental stressors, and our genetic predisposition, we suffer from loss of collagen at a rate of about 1% annually after the age of 20. Loss of collagen leads to thinning of skin which results in the formation of wrinkles and folds. Collagen is a fibrous protein in the deep dermal layer that gives our skin structural support and helps to maintain shape, moisture, and elasticity of the skin. A healthy supply of collagen is the source of smooth skin and a youthful appearance.

How does sculptra work?

SCULPTRA (PLLA) is a bio-stimulating treatment. Sculptra works by addressing the underlying cause of aging skin from loss of collagen. Once injected in the face (or buttocks), Sculptra stimulates the natural growth of new collagen. This leads to restoration of facial volume over time and a dramatic improvement of the skin texture. Results are natural and become noticeable after 2-4 sessions (based on individual concerns). The effects of Sculptra can last up to 25 months.

am i a good candidate for sculptra?

Good candidates for Sculptra should have healthy immune systems and no history of keloid scars. Also, you should not have a medical condition that requires you to take blood thinners.

What to expect with Sculptra treatment?

Your provider at Rejuve Medspa will ensure your treatment will be performed under sterile precautions with the utmost care and comfort using numbing agents and distracting tools. Sculptra is injected in the face under ultrasound guidance (to mitigate potential complications) utilizing microcannula. We make an initial puncture with the trocar needle and use this opening to glide a blunt cannula (similar to IV catheter) to inject the product to the desired areas. After the treatment the client will need to massage the area for five minutes, five times a day for five days. This step is crucial so that biostimulating microparticles get evenly distributed and start stimulating collagen.

How do I prepare for Sculptra treatment?

We recommend staying well hydrated with ideally 8 glasses of water in a 24 hour hour period prior to the day of treatment. Please, avoid wearing makeup the day  of the treatment. We will cleanse your skin thoroughly prior to the procedure to prevent infection.


You can expect to have mild soreness and swelling at the injection sites for about 1 week until the Sculptra incorporates into the tissues. Bruising can sometimes occur, but the risk is minimized with the use of ultrasound to avoid vessels and with the use of blunt-tip microcannulas for injection.


Subtle results can typically be seen within a month of Sculptra injection. These results will continue to build as new collagen can take up to 6 months to form.

sculptra before & after photos:

43 years old, 6 vials over 3 sessions

43 years old, 6 vials over 3 sessions

50 years old, 6 vials over 3 sessions

50 years old, 6 vials over 3 sessions

50 years old, 4 months after 4 vials.

50 years old, 4 months after 4 vials.

Learn More About SCulptra


Rejuve Medspa is located at the Newcastle Commons in Newcastle, WA. This area is conveniently close to Seattle, Bellevue, Mercer Island, Sammamish, Issaquah, Renton, and Redmond.

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Giao Kaplan Giao Kaplan

Why Platelets are the Most Natural and Effective Treatment for the Under Eye Area

Platelets are our body’s first responders to injury. They activate a cascade of physiological mechanisms conducive to healing& regeneration of tissues. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) & Platelet Rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM) release growth factors, stem cells & cytokines which signal tissues to regenerate, restore & rebuild skin cells. PRP & PRFM restores skin collagen& elastin, thus improving skin quality & overall healthy appearance.

the power of platelets for facial rejuvenation:

Want an all-natural, safe, and effective treatment? Platelets may be your answer.

As the proverb goes, “the eyes are the window to the soul”. So much attention is focused on the eyes. The under eye area is a common “concern” area. This is because the skin under the eyes is extremely thin and begins to sag and wrinkle as we age. For people who have dark shadows or under eye hollowing, there is lack of subcutaneous fat beneath this skin. Thus, muscle which lies directly below the skin, causes purplish discoloration below the eyes.

Other common areas of concern include the nasolabial folds (lines between the nose and lips) and wrinkles around the lips caused by gradual loss of collagen/elastin, shrinking fat pads, sagging ligaments, and constant muscle contractions.

What can we do to combat this aging process? Well, let’s get to the root cause. What’s our strategy?

  1. Thicken the skin (improve collagen and elastin)

  2. Tighten the skin (reverse wrinkles)

  3. Prevent wrinkles (relax the muscles)

  4. Prevent sagging (strengthen the ligaments)

  5. Replenish the lost volume

While we have many therapies for each one of these five categories. Let’s talk about one that can address four out of the five.

what are the benefits of platelets (PRP or PRFM)?

Platelets are our body’s first responders to injury. They activate a cascade of physiological mechanisms conducive to healing and regeneration of tissues. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Platelet Rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM) release growth factors, stem cells and cytokines (cell messengers), which signal tissues to regenerate, restore and rebuild skin cells. PRP and PRFM procedures are utilized in aesthetic medicine to restore skin collagen and elastin, thus improving skin quality and overall healthy appearance.

why is prfm better than prp?

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) contains 5 times greater amount of platelets than the blood circulating in the human body; while the concentration of platelets in PRFM is 10 times greater. PRP remains in the injected area for about 24 hours; whereas PRFM stays productive in the area for one week to slowly release growth factors necessary for restoration of skin tissues. PRFM requires less blood volume compared to PRP, exerts more healing factors, while inflicting less trauma to individual cells.

how is the prfm treatment performed?

The process begins with a blood draw. The blood is collected into tubes which are spun at a very high speed in a centrifuge. This process separates blood cells (red cells, white cells) from plasma, which contains activated platelets, growth factors, stem cells, and cell messengers. PRP is then transferred into a tube which contains calcium chloride which converts the PRP into PRFM (Platelet Rich Fibrin Matrix). PRFM turns into a gel-like matrix after about 1o minutes, allowing it actively recruit growth factors and stem cells to promote a healing cascade for one week.

Ultrasound is a tool that we use to assess the precise location of arteries and veins, as everyone’s anatomy varies. By avoiding arteries and veins, we can prevent bruising and vascular complications.

We use micro cannulas to inject PRP or PRFM into the face or neck. After cleansing the skin area, we numb the skin with Lidocaine and then create an opening or a skin puncture with a needle. Through this opening we insert a cannula, which is a blunt instrument similar to IV catheter. The cannula feels like pressure rather than pain. It is likely for clients to have mild swelling, which gradually improves as the body reabsorbs the PRP or PRFM. Growth factors, stem cells and cell messengers begin to stimulate the production of new and healthy cells.

why add healite?

Ever wonder why a plant grows better with fertilizer and sunlight? Imagine what your tomatoes would look like if it was grown in soil with only water, but no fertilizer or sunlight…it probably wouldn’t produce many tomatoes if any. So add fertilizer but, no sunlight…maybe a bit higher chance of success. Sunlight is what gives your tomato plants energy to produce fruit.

HEALITE (830 nm near infrared light) boosts the ATP (energy) production in your cells to enhance results and speed recovery. By providing more energy to your cells, you have better recruitment of neutrophils, mast cells, and macrophages that in turn recruit stem cells and growth factors to enhance the healing cascade. Think of platelets as the “fertilizer” and HEALITE as the “sunlight” needed to ensure a successful treatment.

when can i expect to see results with prfm?

Platelet therapy produces completely natural results that gradually improves over time. Every individuals’ immune response varies. Typically subtle results can be seen within one month, but continues to gradually improve over six months.

how many PRFM treatments will i need?

For the best results, we recommend a series of treatments, two to three treatments four weeks apart. A boost treatment four to six months later will enhance your results. Areas commonly treated include tear trough (under eye) area, but we highly recommend treating the entire face for the optimal results.

What should I do to prepare for treatment with prfm?

We recommend starting to prepare 7-10 days prior to treatment. Eating a well balanced diet, staying well hydrated, and getting plenty of rest will prepare you for production of healthy platelets, which live about seven to ten days. Being well hydrated will increase the amount of circulating blood in your body and will make the blood draw process easier. 24 hours prior to your appointment, please avoid steroids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) such as Ibuprofen or Advil. NSAIDs and steroids interfere with the desired inflammatory response of your body, which is intended to regenerate your skin tissue.

post-care: what should i do after treatment with prfm?

To reduce swelling, we recommend staying well hydrated, reducing sodium in your diet and sleeping with the head elevated on a few pillows. Please avoid steroids and NSAID medications (such as Motrin or Advil) for 1 week after the treatment as this will blunt the body’s immune response to the platelet therapy.

You can further boost your immune system by maintaining a healthy diet, sleep and exercise routine. We recommend taking Vitamin C (2 gm daily for 1 week) and eating 1 mg/kg of protein.

Learn MORE about prfm


Rejuve Medspa is located at the Newcastle Commons in Newcastle, WA. This area is conveniently close to Seattle, Bellevue, Mercer Island, Sammamish, Issaquah, Renton, and Redmond.

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Giao Kaplan Giao Kaplan

EcoTone - Advanced & Versatile CO2 Laser. Is it Right for Me?

EcoTone is our newest and most versatile device capable of treating a wide variety of conditions. EcoTone’s energy level and depth of penetration can be customized ranging from no-downtime/non-ablative to more aggressive ablative CO2 Laser treatments.

Benefits of EcoTone CO2 Laser:

  • Reduces fine lines/wrinkles

  • Reduces unwanted pigment

  • Gives skin firmer, smoother appearance

  • Lightens and brightens skin tone

  • Improves appearance of scars (acne scars, surgical scars, wound scars)

EcoTone CO2 Laser for Scars:

CO2 Laser Before and After Photo | Rejuve Medspa

Ecotone CO2 Laser for Wrinkles:

CO2 Laser Before and After Photo | Rejuve Medspa
CO2 Laser Before and After Photo | Rejuve Medspa

Ecotone CO2 Laser for Pigment:

EcoTone CO2 Laser for Eyelid Rejuvenation:

CO2 Laser Before and After Photo | Rejuve Medspa

How does EcoTone Work?

EcoTone is a quick, non-invasive laser treatment that lightly resurfaces your skin to stimulate your body’s natural healing properties. This cascade of healing promotes the generation of new, fresh tissue, thus improving the appearance of fine lines/wrinkles and reducing unwanted pigment. Settings can be easily adjusted to customize the treatment to your specific needs, even if you have darker skin.

  • A special sensor fires the laser only when it's supposed to, which makes treatment easier for your doctor and safer for you.

  • Two different treatment modes help your doctor blend the treatment area with surrounding skin for a more natural appearance.

  • Doctors can choose between different cooling methods for maximum comfort during treatment.

How Does Ecotone CO2 Laser Work?

Fractional CO2 skin resurfacing works by creating tiny micro wounds while preserving bridges of untreated skin. Because only a fraction of the skin’s surface is treated, healing time is improved. CO2 laser can be titrated to treat a broad range of skin conditions, from those needing to repair light damage to those wanting more dramatic results.

How Many Treatments will I need?

EcoTone is a non-ablative, low down-time laser treatment that will require a series of 3-6 sessions for best results.

EcoTone CO2 Laser A more aggressive ablative CO2 laser treatment can achieve dramatic results after only 1 session. Where as a treatment performed with lighter settings for less downtime can require 2-3 sessions for optimal results.

Why choose Rejuve Medspa for your Ecotone CO2 Laser Treatment?

Dr. Kaplan has over 20 years experience managing patients with complex injuries and illnesses during her former career as a board certified Emergency Physician. She transitioned into aesthetics in 2019, but remains passionate about helping patients who have experienced trauma whether from surgical scars, acne scars or injuries. She is meticulous in her approach, emphasizing both efficacy and safety at her medical spa. The healing process is as important as the treatment itself, which is why we pair all of our CO2 laser treatments with Exosomes and HEALITE.

Exosome Regenerative Complex contains stem cell derived lyophilized exosomes, potent growth factors, peptides, coenzymes, minerals, amino acids and vitamins to promote skin cell proliferation by up to 80% in a dose-dependent manner. This results in an increase in the Elastin amount of human dermal fibroblasts up to 300%.

HEALITE harnesses the power of near infrared light to boost your body's natural regenerative and healing cascade to both speed recovery and enhance results of aesthetic treatments.

Ecotone Before and After Photos:

CO2 Laser Before and After Photo | Rejuve Medspa
CO2 Laser Before and After Photo | Rejuve Medspa

Rejuve Medspa is located at the Newcastle Commons in Newcastle, WA. This area is conveniently close to Seattle, Bellevue, Mercer Island, Sammamish, Issaquah, Renton, and Redmond.

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Giao Kaplan Giao Kaplan

Non-Surgical Eye Lift - Exilis Ultra 360

It has often been said that the eyes are the window to your soul. There is so much focus on the eyes, yet this is the most common area of concern for many people whether it’s related to under eye bags, dark circles, or loose skin. Book a consult to learn more.

Exilis Ultra 360 Nonsurgical Eye lift | Rejuve Medspa

Exilis Ultra 360 for Dark Circles

The appearance of dark circles under the eye is caused by thin skin and lack of fat under the eyes. Exilis Ultra 360 stimulates your body’s natural collagen production; thereby thickening the skin and aiding in skin tightening.

Exilis Ultra 360 Nonsurgical Eye Lift | Rejuve Medspa

Exilis Ultra 360 for Eyelid and Brow Lift

3 months after 4 sessions of Exilis Ultra 360 Nonsurgical Eyelift reveals reduced hooding of the upper eyelids and an overall elevated appearance of the upper eyelids and eyebrows.

Exilis Ultra 360 Nonsurgical Eye Lift | Rejuve Medspa

Exilis Ultra 360 Builds Collagen

Notice the subtle added volume under the eyes which occurs as a result of collagen stimulation. This improved collagen leads to thicker skin which helps to hide dark circles, giving a refreshed appearance.

Exilis Ultra 360 Nonsurgical Eye Lift | Rejuve Medspa

Exilis Ultra 360 for Under Eye Bags

Under eye bags are caused by loose skin leading to a sagging appearance. Notice the improvement of this client’s under eye bags 4 weeks after 3 treatments.

Exilis Ultra 360 Nonsurgical Eye Lift | Rejuve Medspa

Exilis + Neuromodulator

Exilis Ultra 360 can be combined with a neuromodulator to help relax muscles, thereby preventing wrinkles to reform.

Exilis Ultra 360 Nonsurgical Eye Lift | Rejuve Medspa

Nonsurgical Eyelift

Exilis Ultra 360 provides an alternative to surgery with no pain, no bruising/swelling and no downtime.

How Does Exilis Ultra 360 Work?

Exilis Ultra works by a combination of radiofrequency and ultrasound to stimulate collagen production. Skin temperatures are controlled throughout the entire treatment for utmost safety. Reconstruction and formation of connective tissue is initiated after a series of 4 treatments. The efficacy and safety of Exilis Ultra have been tested in 10 studies on different body parts, indications and by various scientific methods to show 42% average reduction in wrinkles.

What Do the Treatments Feel Like?

Exilis Ultra treatments are comfortable, safe, and feels like a pain-free hot stone massage. We recommend a minimum of 4 treatments. Sessions are about 30 minutes, scheduled every 2 weeks.

How Long Does it Take to See Results with Exilis Ultra?

Subtle changes can be seen within a few weeks of treatment, but best results are seen after about 3 months.

Results 3 months after 4 Exilis treatments plus neuromodulator:

Results 2 weeks after 3 treatments (expect continued improvement after 3 months):

Exilis Ultra 360 for Full Face and Neck Skin Tightening

Exilis Ultra can be performed for the full face and neck for skin tightening, and has been shown to reduce wrinkles by 42% on average after 4 sessions.

Exilis Skin Tightening | Rejuve Medspa

Exilis Ultra 360 is Versatile and can treat the body

exilis ultra skin tightening at Rejuv

Rejuve Medspa is located at the Newcastle Commons in Newcastle, WA. This area is conveniently close to Seattle, Bellevue, Mercer Island, Sammamish, Issaquah, Renton, and Redmond.

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Giao Kaplan Giao Kaplan

PDO Threads - instant non surgical Facelift with threads

PDO threads have long been used in surgery with a solid profile for safety and effectiveness. The increasing popularity of PDO threads in the aesthetic world can be attributed to it’s ease of use, sustainable results, minor side effects and low incidence of complications.

what are PDO threads?

PDO refers to Polydioxanone which is a strong synthetic monofilament fiber consisting of one solid fiber of thread. PDO typically absorbs within 6-9 months depending on thickness. PDO Threads are also known as PDS, which have been used as a cutaneous and subcutaneous suture material in plastic surgery, Cardiothoracic surgery, trauma surgery, & gynecological surgery for over thirty years.

what are the benefits of pdo threads?

PDO threads are safe, versatile, and can address many areas to tighten skin, stimulate collagen production, and improve skin quality.

  • Can be used for the face or body

  • Durable - results lasts for up to 12-24 months, absorbs within 6-9 months (broken down by hydrolysis)

  • Stimulates new collagen formation and strengthens connective tissue

  • Results and benefits are immediately apparent

  • Hydrophobic (does not attract water and therefore does not produce swelling)

  • Low risk for infection or complications

where can pdo threads be placed?

PDO threads can be placed on the face or body to create a lifting effect, stimulate collagen production, tighten skin, and strengthen tissue. Commonly treated areas on the face include cheeks, lower face, jowls, nasolabial folds, under chin, and neck. Many other areas can be treated including glabella (frown lines), forehead, under eyes, neck, and décolleté.

PDO Thread lift | Rejuve Medspa

PDO Thread Lift to Elevate the Jowls and under chin

Barbed PDO threads are placed to the cheeks, lower face and under chin area to provide an instant lifted appearance.

PDO Thread Lift | Rejuve Medspa

PDO Thread Lift to Cheeks and lower Face

Barbed PDO Threads are placed to the upper and lower face to reduce the appearance of deep nasolabial folds and sagging jowls. Some swelling is expected immediately after placement which gradually resolves over the next couple of weeks.

Lower face PDO Thread Lift | Rejuve Medspa

Lower Face PDO Thread Lift

PDO Thread Lift can be customized to address your particular concerns. In this case, the jowls are displaced below the jaw line. Bi-directional barbed threads are placed to reduce the appearance of sagging jowls, providing an immediate lifted appearance.

PDO Threads | Rejuve Medspa

PDO Thread Lift to Lower Face & Mesh PDO Threads to Nasolabial Folds

Barbed PDO threads are placed to tighten the lower face which helps to reduce the appearance of deep nasolabial folds. Additionally, mesh PDO threads are placed in the nasolabial folds to further soften their appearance.

Mesh PDO threads for Frown lines | Rejuve Medspa

Mesh PDO Threads for Frown Lines

Frown lines can become deep folds over time as we lose collagen and elastin. Even Botox cannot help to eliminate these frown lines once they become so deep. Mesh PDO threads can be placed to create volume and smooth out the lines. Collagen builds as the PDO threads slowly dissolve.

PDO threads are safer to use in the Glabella region of the forehead. Dermal filler should be avoided in this high risk area due to nearby arteries since inadvertent arterial injection of filler can lead to stroke or blindness.

PDO Threads for Cellulite | Rejuve Medspa

PDO Threads for Cellulite

Deep cellulite bands of the thighs are difficult to treat. This client had subcision of her cellulite as well as placement of smooth PDO threads. Five weeks later, her deep cellulite band appears less prominent. The smooth PDO threads stimulate collagen production to improve her skin texture.

PDO Thread Lift | Rejuve Medspa

PDO Threads Can Improve The Under Eye area

This client had PDO Thread Lift to her mid and lower face. Notice how her under eye area improved. As we age, our fat pads shrink and gravity causes a downward shift. PDO threads lift the fat pads back to its youthful position, thereby supporting the under eye area.

PDO Thread Lift | Rejuve Medspa

PDO Thread Lift to Contour cheeks and slim the Lower Face

Lifting the cheeks and lower face reverses the bottom heavy triangle that forms as gravity creates a downward shift over time.

PDO Thread Aftercare:

What can you expect after PDO Thread Lifting? Swelling and soreness after placement of PDO threads are common. To avoid breakage or displacement of the threads, avoid opening the mouth widely, avoid eating apples, steak, or anything tough or requiring heavy chewing; You should also avoid strenuous activities such as running, jumping, weights, etc. for a couple of weeks. Avoid facial massages or facials for 1 month. Avoid ablative/needling procedures (Genius RF microneedling, microneedling, CO2 laser, PlasmaMD, etc) for at least 1 month.

HEALITE is highly recommend immediately after PDO threads. HEALITE boosts the cellular response to promote healing and reduces pain. Learn more about HEALITE by clicking here.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How Long does PDO Thread Lift last?

PDO Thread Lift can last up to 1 year depending on the number and quality of threads used. Miracu PDO threads are FDA cleared. They are clinically proven to have stronger tensile strength due to its manufacturing process of heatless press molding. Miracu PDO threads also have larger cogs for superior hold.


Rejuve Medspa is located at the Newcastle Commons in Newcastle, WA. This area is conveniently close to Seattle, Bellevue, Mercer Island, Sammamish, Issaquah, Renton, and Redmond.

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Giao Kaplan Giao Kaplan

Exosomes - A Breakthrough in Regenerative Aesthetics

Exosomes are a cutting edge scientific biotech breakthrough for skin rejuvenation and regeneration. Exosomes serve as “messengers” within the body, transferring information from cell to cell such as the exchange of RNA and other important proteins responsible for healing (fibroblasts, keratinocytes, immune cells, etc.). Exosomes reduce the appearance of age related pigment, reduce fine lines & wrinkles, tighten appearance of loose skin, hydrate & nourish skin for a more radiant and even-toned complexion.

We are living in an exciting era of rapid expansion in technology and capability with regards to anti-aging therapies. We no longer have to look our age, but rather we can potentially look the age we want to feel. Accomplishing this requires early intervention, prevention and maintenance. Exosomes are a cutting edge scientific biotech breakthrough for skin rejuvenation and regeneration.

Exosome Regenerative Complex | Rejuve Medspa

What are Exosomes?

Exosomes are responsible for all cell to cell communication, bridging stem cell function with growth factors, cytokines and immune cells important for tissue repair and regeneration. In other words, Exosomes serve as “messengers” within the body, transferring information from cell to cell such as the exchange of RNA and other important proteins responsible for healing (fibroblasts, keratinocytes, immune cells, etc.).

What are the benefits of exosomes?

Exosomes improve skin quality to promote a more youthful, radiant appearance. Exosomes perform best when paired with skin tightening treatments such as microneedling, Genius RF microneedling, or LaseMD Ultra fractional laser to speed recovery and enhance results after these rejuvenating treatments.

  • Reduce appearance of age related pigment

  • Reduce fine lines & wrinkles

  • Tighten appearance of loose skin

  • Hydrate & nourish skin

  • Promote a more radiant and even-toned complexion

  • Speed recovery and enhance results after microneedling or laser treatments

Exosome Regenerative Complex:

Exosome Regenerative Complex | Rejuve Medspa

Exosome Regenerative Complex contains stem cell derived lyophilized exosomes, potent growth factors, peptides, coenzymes, minerals, amino acids and vitamins. It is an intensive dual-action complex formulated as Nano particles to absorb quickly into the skin. Exosome Regenerative Complex is a patented product that is paraben-free, steroid-free, hypoallergenic, and clinically proven to rejuvenate and regenerate the skin.

In Vitro Testing:

Exosome Regenerative Complex promotes skin cell proliferation by up to 80% in a dose-dependent manner. This results in an increase in the Elastin amount of human dermal fibroblasts up to 300%.

how Do We Use Exosomes?

To enjoy the many benefits of Exosome Regenerative Complex, it is applied directly to the skin immediately after microneedling, Genius RF microneedling or LaseMD fractional laser treatments. You can expect an expedited recovery time and enhanced results of skin tightening, improved skin tone/texture, reduction in fine lines and wrinkles for an overall rejuvenating effect.

Exosome Regenerative Complex is not a drug product. It is not intended to prevent, treat, or cure diseases or medical conditions. It is not intended to be injected or delivered intravenously.

Beware of Retail Products claiming to have Exosomes

Exosomes are naturally secreted nanoparticles coming off of growing stem cells that harness potential for regenerative effects. But how are Exosomes extracted for clinical use? Benev Exosomes are manufactured using a very specific scientific process referred to as ExoSCRT that has been perfected after decades of research. After the Exosomes are carefully extracted from stem cells, they are freeze dried and then purified, thereby removing any debris or contaminants.

ExoSCRT is a patented process that utilizes a dual filtration method to purify exosomes from proliferating adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells. Not only is the ExoSCRT process very unique to Benev Exosome Regenerative Complex, they go one step further to lyophilize the purified Exosomes. What exactly does lyophilizing actually do? Exosomes are known to have regenerative capacity and biological properties. ExoSCRT aims to preserve this regenerative activity up until the very point that they can be used. In order to do that, the extracted exosomes are lyophilized and purified into a form that keeps them stable and preserves their biological activity. The product needs to be refrigerated and used within 3-4 hours of reconstitution.

So if you are purchasing a retail product that claims to contain “exosomes”, please consider how stable and effective they can possibly be. Remember that Exosomes are extremely fragile, requiring care in their extraction, purification and storage to maintain its efficacy.


Rejuve Medspa is located at the Newcastle Commons in Newcastle, WA. This area is conveniently close to Seattle, Bellevue, Mercer Island, Sammamish, Issaquah, Renton, and Redmond.

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Giao Kaplan Giao Kaplan

Core to floor - the no sweat core workout

Together, EMSCULPT NEO and EMSELLA provide “Core to Floor” therapy. A combination of High Intensity Focused Electro Magnetic Energy (HIFEM) stimulation is designed to build and strengthen the core muscles and pelvic floor. This treatment is specifically designed to combat conditions such as incontinence and abdominal muscle separation. Improving core strength can also aid in relieving low back pain.

What are the health Benefits of Emsculpt NEO?

  • Improved core strength

  • Improved posture

  • Improved low back pain

  • Can be used for rehabilitation after injury or surgery

  • Improved diastasis recti (abdominal wall muscle separation) which commonly happens after pregnancy

  • Tightened appearance of skin

The science behind emsculpt neo

On average, after 3 sessions:

  • 25% increased muscle mass

  • 30% reduced fat

  • 19% improvement in diastasis recti (abdominal wall separation)

  • 6 cm reduction in waist circumference

Emsculpt NEO | Core to Floor
Emsculpt NEO | Core to Floor
Emsculpt NEO | Core to Floor
Emsculpt NEO | Core to Floor
Emsella | Core to Floor

benefits of emsella

  • FDA cleared treatment for urinary incontinence for both men & women

  • Non-invasive treatment with no recovery time

  • Remain fully clothed during treatment

  • Restores bladder and pelvic muscle control without time-consuming exercises

  • A comfortable procedure that lets you relax during a 28-minute treatment

  • 95% of patients report an improved quality of life

  • Many men and women report improved strength of orgasm

Emsella | Core to Floor

the science behind emsella

To date 5 clinical studies have been published on EMSELLA

  • Studies confirm 95% of patients report an improved quality of life

  • 75% pad reduction

Learn More about Core to Floor


Rejuve Medspa is located at the Newcastle Commons in Newcastle, WA. This area is conveniently close to Seattle, Bellevue, Mercer Island, Sammamish, Issaquah, Renton, and Redmond.

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